
Monday, February 23, 2009

Is there a future in soccer

In the last article, we address the issue of the declining number of Chinese and Indian boys joining our local soccer scene. And one of the reason we highlight is the lack of parental support. So far, we have only one comment on the article and he/she seems to share the same view(by the way, thanks for your comment).
So how true is it. And if it is true, how do we aim to change that perception and gain parent's support. Come on parents. Hands up all of you who do believe there is no future in the soccer industry. I'm sure there's a number of you out there. Do you seriously doubt the future of the soccer industry? Have you done enough research to support that belief?
Hey, I'm a parent myself and believe me. My boy has just only turn 5 and I'm already envisioning all kinds of future possibilities for him. But will I be worried and try to dissuade him if one day he comes up to me and tell me he wants to play soccer or any other sports professionally? Hell no. Instead, I will support him, motivate him and most importantly guide him. It is only with proper guidance that our child will flourish in whatever industry they choose to follow. And yes, even soccer. Unlike in the past where a soccer players' career will begin and ends in the field, depending on his age, endurance and physical abilities. Now, they can build a career that expands beyond the playing field and the physical aspect of the game. There are many options to choose from: being a coach, physiotherapist, life coach, nutritionist and many more. And this is only the beginning. God knows what other position they'll come up with in the future. Our child will be spoilt for choice. So parents, fret not. The future in soccer is bright and opportunities are a plenty.
With all that being said, I'm not here to say that parents should ignore their child academic achievements or take it lightly. We believe the physical developments of a child will attribute well to their mental developments thus shaping the child into one successful individual.

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